Hosting your sites on a VPS or Dedicated server sometimes gives you little trouble doing specific things using PHP such as handling a ZIP archive. Recently we upgraded our web hosting servers to new dedicated servers at Hivelocity and found the same issue. Here’s how you can enable ZipArchive in WHM/EasyApache 4. Look for the options First, log in to your WHM using root’s credentials and search for Apache. Look for the menu item “ EasyApache 4 “. It may take a while to load that specific menu item’s details page. Hence, wait for a couple of minutes. Once loaded, you will find few options and one of them going to be “ Currently Installed Packages “. The Solution There’s a “ Customize ” button beside that package name, click that and navigate to “ PHP Extensions “. On the next screen, search for ZIP . You will see many options such as “ php55-php-zip “, “ php56-php-zip “, the number of ZIP extensions depends on the PHP versions installed on your server. Enable those extension...
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